Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor

Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor To find the magnetic field in the current carrying conductor , we should Take a long straight copper wire, and battery or cell (two or three cells of having 1.5 volts) and one plug key . Now connect them in the form of series connection of the circuit. And now put the compass needle parallel to the straight copper wire. Now, when the circuit is completed , we found that there is deflection of the north pole of the needle of the compass. When the current is passed from north to south , then the north pole of the needle get defected towards to the east direction. But when the direction of the current flowing through the copper wire is changed , then there is change of the direction of the deflection of the needle of the compass. We found that needle moves in opposite direction that is towards the west directions. Then it means that the direction of the magnetic field produces by the electric current...