Bio Mass , wind energy

Improvements in the technology for using conventional sources of energy Bio- Mass:-- Bio mass is a organic materials that is used as fuel to produce energy (heat or electricity) is called bio- mass. Bio – mass is a renewable source of energy. Wood is used as a fuel for longer time. Cow dung cakes are also used as a steady source of fuel. Since these fuels are plants and animals products, and the source of these fuels are said to be bio-mass. Disadvantage :-- The fuels of Cow dung cakes and woods do not produce much heat on burning. A lot of Smoke produced by these fuels during burning. Bio gas:-- Bio gas is the renewable source of energy. It is popularly known as gobar -gas. Bio gas consists of the gases like as methane , carbon dioxide, hydrogen. Bio gas consists of the gases produced during the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of the oxygen. Bio gas can be produced from the raw materials such as agricultural wasta...