Bio Mass , wind energy

Improvements in the technology for using conventional sources of energy


Bio- Mass:--

Bio mass is a organic materials that is used as fuel to produce energy (heat or electricity)  is called bio- mass.

Bio – mass is a renewable source of energy.

Wood is used as a fuel for longer time. Cow dung cakes are also used as a steady source of fuel. Since these fuels are plants and animals products, and the source of these fuels are said to be bio-mass.


Disadvantage :--


The fuels of Cow dung cakes and woods do not produce much heat on burning.

A lot of Smoke produced by these fuels during burning.


Bio gas:--

Bio gas is the renewable source of energy. It is popularly known as gobar -gas. Bio gas consists of the gases like as methane , carbon dioxide, hydrogen. Bio gas consists of the gases produced during the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of the oxygen.

Bio gas can be produced from the raw materials such as agricultural wastage, manure, sewage, food or green wastage etc.



Bio – gas plant:--


Bio gas is produced in bio gas plant.

The bio gas plant is dome like structure built with the bricks.

A mud or slurry of cow dung and water are mixed in the mixing tank. This  slurry of cow dung and water is fed into the digester.

The digester is a type of sealed chamber in which there is no oxygen.

Anaerobic micro-organisms that do not require the oxygen to decompose or break down the complex compounds of the cow dung slurry.

It will takes few days to complete   decomposition  process.

And during the process, the micro-organisms transforms biomass waste into bio gas. And the generated gases like methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide.

The bio gas is stored in the gas tank above the digester from which they are drawn through pipes for use.


Advantage of biogas:--

·      Bio gas is a excellent fuel as it contains methane up to 75 percent.

·      It burns with no smoke.

·      It avoids the air pollution

·      Bio gas produces no residue like ash in wood , charcoal and coal burning.

·      It has high heating capacity.

·      Bio gas is also used for lighting.

·      The slurry left behind is removed periodically and this is used as best manure. And it is best rich in nitrogen and phosphorus.

·      Bio gas is renewable source of energy.




Wind energy:--


           Wind energy is one of the best renewable source of energy. wind energy is the process by which wind is used to generate electricity.

Wind energy is the process in which when wind is in motion, wind turbines converts the kinetic energy in to the mechanical power. Mechanical power is used to convert the electricity.


Wind energy basics:--


Unequal and uneven heating of the earth surface and water bodies by the solar radiations. And generates the air movement. And thus causes winds to blow.

Wind is used to produce electricity using the kinetic energy created by the air is in motion or movement.

By using wind energy conversion system, this is transformed into electricity using wind turbines.

Firstly, wind is hit to wind turbines blades and resulting them to rotate the turbines. Due to this, the kinetic energy is converted to mechanical energy, by moving a shaft which is connected to a generator. And thus producing the electrical energy.

There are mainly three factors that affect the amount f energy a turbine can harness from the  wind:--  wind speed , area and air density.


Disadvantage of wind energy:--

·      Wind energy farms can be established only those areas where wind flows for the greater part of a year.

·      Wind speed should be more than 15 km/h to maintain the required speed of the turbine.

·      There should be some backup facilities like storage cells to take care of the energy needs during a period of time when there is no blow of wind.

·      A large area of land is required for the establishment of the wind energy farms.

·      1MW generator , the wind energy farm requires 2 hectare of land.

·      The initial cost of the installation of the wind energy farm is to high.

·      Maintenance cost is too high.


Advantage of wind energy:--

·      Wind energy is an environment friendly

·      And it is efficient source of the renewable energy.

·      It requires no any periodic  expenses for the production of the electricity.












































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