electric current 10th class





In Modern Society , Electricity has a important role. These form of energy is mainly used in homes, hospitals, industries , factories, schools, lab, and so on.

Just as AIR Current and WATER current , we can say that , flow of electric charge through a electric conductor like metallic wire , there is an electric current in the conductor.

The torch illuminates light ,  when  its switched ON. The reason behind is due to electric circuit.

The torch is with cell or battery. The cell or battery carry flows of charge or an electric current. When cells or battery is connected in proper order , then its provides the flow of charge electric current . and when the switched ON , then they produce a conducting link between the cells and the bulbs. And bulbs gets glows. And when the switched is off , the circuit gets broken  and light gets turned off.



A Continuous  and closed path of an electric currents called electric circuit.




Electric current is expressed as the amount of charge is flowing through a particular area in unit time.


We can also expressed the electric current as the rate of flow of electric charges


Also electric current is expressed  the electric current is the flow of positive charge (+ve) and the direction of flow of positive charge is considered as the direction of the electric current.


Points to be noted :--   In Electric circuit , the direction of electric current is taken as opposite to the direction of the flow of electrons which are  negative charges (-ve) in nature.





If net charge Q flows across any cross – section through a metallic conductor in a given time taken T , then the current I flows through that cross- section is –


I    =   Q/T

Here ,                          

I is the symbols of current flows through the any mettalic conductor

Q is the symbols of net charge

T is the symbols of time taken to flow of charges in metallic conductor



The SI units of electric charge is coulomb (C)

The SI units of electric current is denoted by a unit called AMPERE (A).


1 AMPERE :--

It is expressed by the flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second.

1A  =  1C/1S


Small quantities of current  -- milliampere

1mA  =   10^-3 A


1 uA = 10^-6 A  (microampere)


The instruments to be used to measure the Electric current is AMMETER . the AMMETER is always connected in series in a circuit.










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