


Light is a form of energy. The main source of the light on the earth is the sun.

Light is the form of electromagnetic radiation with the wavelength that can be detected by the human eye.

Light is form of electromagnetic radiation that have both properties of waves and particles.  Light is the source of energy and this source of energy heat  the earth’s surface and its atmosphere.

The study of light is called as optics.


We are unable to any object in a dark room. But when light is glowing into the room, the object get visible. How it is possible ?  during a day, the sunlight helps us to see the objects. Any object reflects the light, when the sunlight falls on it. This reflected light is received by our eyes. And this makes eyes to see the object.


How shadow is made ?

Light seems to be travel in straight line. And a source of light makes a sharp shadow of the opaque object points to this straight  line path of light. It means, when the light is travel in straight line, shadows are created when the path of light is blocked. And more solid objects have a darker and wider shadow. And thinner object have lighter shadow. So we can say that when light strikes the any opaque objects it generates the a form of shadow.

When the light is transmitted through any object, we are able to see through the transparent object. it means that when the light passes through the transparent objects , the light passes entirely without generating any shadows.


How rainbow is made ?

A rainbow is created when the source of light is refracted in raindrops. This rain drops behaves as prism. And they refracted the light and we can see the color of the spectrum. The spectrum contains all of the wavelengths of the light that we can see. Each color has a different wavelength. When the wavelength has the shorter, then the light has more energy. When the light travel, the speed of the light does not depend upon the its energy. The rainbow shows the entire spectrum of the light.


The  properties of the light are given below:--


Propagation – direction



Phase orbital angular momentum


Diffraction of the light

When a source of light is passed through the opaque objects, light has tendency to bend around it and do not pass through a straight line. This is called as diffraction of the light.

Diffraction of light is defined as the bending of the light wave around the edges of the opening or obstacles.  

Diffraction of light can be defined as the phenomena that occurs a wave or light is encountered an obstacles or opening.






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