Bleaching powder, Baking soda, washing soda

Bleaching powder


Bleaching powder is an inorganic compound by nature. its chemical formula is CaOCl2 and also called as calcium oxychloride. It is soluble in water.

Bleaching powder is prepared by the action of the chlorine on dry slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) .

Ca(OH)2  + Cl2   →  CaOCl2   +   H2O


Uses for bleaching powder:--


It is used to make drinking water and remove the germs.

It  is used as oxidising agent in chemical industries.

It is also used for washing clothes in laundry.

It is used for bleaching cotton and linen in the textiles industries.

It is used for bleaching wood pulp in paper factories.

It is also used for sanitization of the public swimming pools.

And also it is used for disinfect the drinking water.




Properties of the bleaching powder

Its chemical name is calcium hypochlorite.

The formula is Ca(OCl)2

It is also called as chloride of lime.


It is a pale yellowish powder.

It  has strong smell of the chlorine.

It is soluble in water. Some portion of the insoluble substance left behind on dilution is the lime present in it.

Bleaching powder is very unstable

And it is highly reactive.




Baking soda

Baking soda is also called as sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate.

It is also called as bicarbonate of soda.

Its chemical formula is NaHCO3.

It is a salt composed of a sodium cation (Na+) and a bicarbonate anion (HCO3-).

Sodium carbonate appears as the fine powder.

It is alkaline.

It has slightly salty in taste.

It is a mild non-corrosive basic salt.


Production of the baking soda


Sodium bicarbonate is produced by the process named as solvay process.

In the solvay process, the sodium chloride is reacted with ammonia and carbon dioxide with water and formed as sodium bicarbonate.


NaCl  + H2O + CO2  + NH3      →   NH4Cl     +  NaHCO3


Uses of the baking soda:--


It is mainly used in the household.

It is also used in cooking.


Sodium bicarbonate is main components of the common black snake firework.

Sodium bicarbonate is used in soda-acid fire extinguishers.

Sodium bicarbonate are mainly used for neutralize unwanted acid solutions.

Sodium carbonate is amphoteric.

Sodium bicarbonate is used to prevent the growth of the fungus. But does not kill the fungus.

Excess amount of the sodium bicarbonate are caused discolouration of fruits.

Sodium bicarbonate can be used for the medical purpose. When sodium bicarbonate is mixed with the water to form antacid. And it is used to neutralizes the excess amount of acid in stomach and provide relief.

The reaction of the sodium bicarbonate with stomach acid to produces the salt, water and carbon dioxide.

NaHCO3  +  HCl     → NaCl  + H2O   +  CO2


Sodium bicarbonate is also used for the treatment of the heartburn.

Sodium bicarbonate are also used for the treatment of the mechanical cleanser on the teeth and gums. And it is also used to neutralize the development of the acid in the mouth. And also acts as antiseptic to prevent the infections.

Sodium bicarbonate is used as the cleaning agent for the removing of the paint and corrosion.

sodium bicarbonate is also used to remove the odour.












Washing soda

Washing soda is white crystalline form of solid.

It is alkaline.

It turns red litmus to blue.


Washing soda is another chemical that are produced from the sodium chloride.

The chemical formula of the washing soda is Na2CO310H2O. it is also called as sodium carbonate decahydrates. It is most common hydrates of the sodium carbonate which contains 10 molecules of the water of crystallization.

Soda ash which is dissolved in water and crystallized to form washing soda.

Na2CO3 + 10 H2O    →    Na2CO3. 10H2O


Uses of washing soda


Sodium carbonate or washing soda is used in industries such as glass industries, soap industries and paper industries.

Sodium carbonate is used for the manufacture of sodium compounds like borax.

Sodium carbonate are used for domestic purpose.

Sodium carbonate are also used for cleaning purpose.

Sodium carbonate are also used for the removing of the hardness of the water.








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